tell wuz yur day?

Friday, August 1, 2008

okey, heerz my dream!!!

rawlz yu guyz!!!!!!! yall had sum funnie dreamz! i got a good wun!!! Rachael yu know this wun!!! i know itz a dream iz randum, but I WUVVED IT!!!!!!!

in the dream i live on a different planet, okey? so im this person whoz part gurl part bat...yes...kinda like bat woman...i must hav ben trying to protect my home (it wuz this enchanted forest place or something) and awl the creaturz who live in ther becuz i went to this big building and started yusing Martial Artz on awl theez guyz in blue and wite jump suitz...they wer destroying the forest so i had to stop then i wuz literally WUPPIN BUT and TOTLIE OWNING over thoze stuck up forest killing prittie boyz!!!!!!! @8D it wuz awl good becuz i had taken owt just abowt everybuddie (probably a hundred guyz) and it wuz easy to!!! i wuz almost finished with the job wen i came to the last room and saw a reeeeeeeeeeeal prittie boy! seriously...he wuz hawt!!!...he must have ben the captain or sumthing becuz his suit wuz black and wite instead of blue and wite aaand he had super fiting skillz! he also had super flirting skillz becuz he kept saying awl theez smart remarkz like "Hey, you're pretty good. You took out all my men." or sumthing like "Ooo, smooth moves." and of course i couldnt help but respond with a "Thanks, you're not so bad yourself." ...well...wut wuz i SUPPOSED to do...HE WUZ FLIPPIN HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!! so enyweyz it didnt take to long for awl the other guyz i had alredy beeten to finally get up...they wer awl waddling arownd awl dazed and stuff, then they came to help the captain but he wuz like "No, this is our fight." (his and mine) it seemed we wer equally mached with owr Martial Artz skillz and i couldnt beet him! so prittie soon i started getting tired, probably becuz i just fought and owned over abowt a hundred guyz!!! either the captain wuz tired to, or he saw i wuz tired and slowed down for sum reezon becuz pritty soon owr fighting got less agressive and mor artistic...almost like...*gasp* dancing!?!?!/1...yes...kinda like dancing...gradually owr fiting/dancing got even mor artistical util eventually we wer practically ballroom dancing and then slow dancing!!!!!!! chyeah!!1 thatz rite! slow dancing!!! i couldnt help but feel like...yay! "^-^" it didnt take me to long to realize wut i wuz doing...i wuz awl like-WUT!?! i cant be flirting with the ENEMIE!!!!!!!!!!! so az quick az i came, i wuz gone...i flew owt of ther fast and back to the enchanted forest but i wuz reelie tired so i fell owt of the sky...lukily i wuz alrite

so it wuz prittie much a bossome dream! it wuz kinda like Lion King 2, if yu guyz ever saw that...ya know, the hole they like each other but ther supposed to be enemiez thingie and how wer fighting in the wuz a lot like that...yay! @8DDD

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"


RachAEL said...

OH EM GEE! THAT GUY WAS SOOO HOT! haha jk idk exactly wat he looked liek, but from heather said..haha but hes heathers, so i better bak off =P that dream was SUPA-SWEET! =P GO RANDOMNESS!! and GO BATGIRL!![AND CATGIRL] LOL :DDD

RachAEL said...

OH EM GEE! THAT GUY WAS SOOO HOT! haha jk idk exactly wat he looked liek, but from heather said..haha but hes heathers, so i better bak off =P that dream was SUPA-SWEET! =P GO RANDOMNESS!! and GO BATGIRL!![AND CATGIRL] LOL :DDD

B.J. said...

WOW that was umm weird.....

Lady Mew said...

I KNOW!!!!!!! SOOOOOO HAWT!!!!!!!!!!!!! yah...hez mine so BAK OFF!!!!!!! *clearz throat* oh, sarrie Twinnay!!! "6_6"

BJ go away...

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

lol- i kno y bj hasnt come here 2 comment--bc u told him 2 go away LOL an no worries! cute dream dood is alllll urs ;)

Lady Mew said...

yay! BJ wont come heer enymor!!! cool friholes!!! rawlz!

oh yeah! thatz rite! hez mine!!! @8P

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

Lady Mew said...

SEVEN!!!!!!! yay! seven iz my favorit number!!! @8P

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

lol yay! a bj-free zone!

RachAEL said...

...and its cool frijoles

(the "h" is silent and the "j" makes the "h" sound LOL confuzzled yet?)

RachAEL said...

TEN!!!!!!! yay! ten iz my favorit number!!! =DDD

BOBBY!!!!! ^-^

(LOL pendragon)

Lady Mew said...

yayzes! BJ iznt heer!!! kool frijoles!!!
yay eleven!

Bobby! Uncle Press!!! yay! @8P

Lady Mew said...

boo 12!

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

B.J. said...

Well I'm back I've been forgetting to comment on Heathers blog so here I am I'm back

Lady Mew said...



YUR WERDZ!!!!!!!!!!! THEY HERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehe jk! ...but not reelie...

jk again!!!

itz nice to hav enywun commenting on my blog

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^" XOXOXO

RachAEL said...

lol heather- im not even kidding- other than serious subjects, theres never been a time when ive talked to u/read what u write w/o laughing!!! lol

B.J. said...

Same here Rachael. Stupid caps lock key!!!!!!!

Lady Mew said...

oh yayzes!!! so happie i could make yu laff!!! @%DDD

now BJ dont take owt awl yur anger and frusteration on the caps lock never did anything to you

SAUL and NATE!!!!!!! XOXOXO "^.^"

B.J. said...

Yes the caps lock ket did do something to me!!! every time I pressed shift I started to type in all caps !!!!!

Lady Mew said...

well dont hav a cow! anger management issuez much?... hehe! @%DDD

<3 FOR EVERYWUN!!!!!!! "^.^"