tell wuz yur day?

Thursday, July 31, 2008


hai guyz and gurlz!!!!!!! just to let yu know, im dooing this for Reporter Rachael...

"Current clues have lead us to believe that Saul is in fact Brady. Looking back at all the old posts and all the comments on our blogs, we have come to the conclusion that Brady is actually better at keeping a secret than we thought. Through endless nights of strenuous amounts of research we have discovered these facts:

1)Saul came up with S.W.O.R.D.S., but Brady explained it more clearly-almost like he already knew about it.

2)Saul likes Chris Daughtry, and Brady said he recommends one of Chris' hit songs, "It's Not Over".

3)Saul watches movies for the art in them, and Brady wants to be an actor or something with movies.

4)They both saw or want to see Batman 3.

5)They both spell jeez with a "g", and they both spell Reporter Rachael's name with an "eal" instead of an "ael". And if it wasn't suspicious enough, suddenly they both stopped misspelling those words.

6)They are both single, looking for girls, and they won't stop flirting via e-mail.

7)They both go to our church.

8)They both have an iPod, but then again who doesn't.

9)Saul hasn't commented on Brady's blog for some reason.

10)Emily says Saul and Brady sound really similar.

After much deliberation and hard work, we the have decided that the following people are not Saul: Josiah, Carly, Steven, BJ, Jordan, Zach, Nate, Joey, Mike (Josiah's roommate), and Brady-or so he says. Brady was the first person that we suspected might be Saul, and for a while he had us fooled. Now more than ever, we have reason to believe that Brady is 'acting' like Saul (considering that Brady is an actor). We may be wrong, but I doubt it. Trust me people, Brady is definitely Saul!"

~Reporter Rachael
on behaf of me, Reporter Rachael, and everybuddie who knowz abowt SAUL, i think we now have uncovered SAULZ true identity and know exactly who he iz!!!!!!!!!!!
MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe!!! @8DDD
ps~SAUL hasn't commented on my blog either so don't feel bad Brady...SAUL PLEEZ COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!! PLEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAUL!!!!!!! or should i say BRADY!!!!!!!


RachAEL said...


thanks to Reporter Heather!

ps ppl i had heather do this bc she has like no blogs and i have WAAAYYY to many [on saul] sooo ya.


Lady Mew said...

thank yu Reporter Rachael!

rawlz!!! jk!

so the day iz saved thanx to...Reporter Rachael, Reporter Heather, and Captain Obvious!!!
hehehe! "^.^"

SAUL!!!!!!! or Brady!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! C:<

B.J. said...

I think Saul is laughng at us bc of all of these posts

Lady Mew said...

YA KNOW WUT BJ!!?!!!!?!???!?!!!?!!!11/
i think yur absolutely rite!
hehe! SAUL iz probablie busting up rite now!!! rawlz!

oh and btw, Captain Obvious iz the main Super Hero frum my comic...The Legend of: Captain Obvious!!!!!!! yay!!!

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

this was like wayyyy betr then wat i coulda written LOL

yw Reporter Heather!

well, ok we dont kno exactly WHERE u liv saul, but we can look it up in the church direcory =P lol we kno WHO u are tho :DD

lol captain obvious had nothin to do w/ anything...well other then being bald haha

lol sooo evil!... O_o

...i hav trained her well >:D Muahaha

yep ur rite bj =P

yay! go C.O.!! (smiley face in the "o" lol)

yay lots of "/'s" and "1's" haha

RachAEL said...

ps, wat happend to steveow?? :O

Lady Mew said...

pffshchhhh, naw! that wuz a quote...jk...but not reely! no seriously, jk...

yu may not know ware SAUL livez Reporter Rachael but i doo!!!!!!! hehehe! rawlz!

Captain Obvious alweyz savez the day! @8DDD wunce he saved the day becuz hez bald!!! yay! "^-^"

I AM EVIL!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!! >;}

oh yay! i WUV the smilie in the "O"!!!

Stievow? wut happened to Stievow? *gasp* ohnoez!!! wut happened to STIEVOW!?!?!/1 WAREZ STIEVOW!!!!!!!???????!?!?!?!!?!?!!?!!?!?!!?!?!!?!1/11/111/1/ *faintz*
yay wunz and slashez! @8D

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

ooooh geeez, ok heather-talk about skitzo u *gasp* i think skitzo u is BAAAACCKKK "we're baaacckk" lol

bc like every line is a different mood LOL

1-lol jk, but not rele :)
2-stalker much O_o
3-yay! bald is b-e-a-u-tiful!
4-creepy and skitzo once again O_o
6-lol where is he? dont worry, captain obvious willhelp find him! :D


RachAEL said...

and if saul isnt brady..WHO IS?!?

Lady Mew said...

*wer ba-aak! (skitzo me)*
SKITZO ME!?!?!?!?!?!/1 no hard feelingz...abowt eeting yu or enything, rite?...
*nope! no hard feelingz! *eetz reel me* (skitzo me)*

*hai everybuddieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

i know ware yu live SAUL!!!!!!! MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! }8>

yu sed the smilie face in the "O" of Captain Obvious...i wike the smiwie in the "O"!!!

YEAH!!! mebe CO can help me find Stievow! @8P

im gonna post abowt SAUL, no worriez!
(all skitzo me)*

*reel me hopz owt of skitzo me to say...*

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...



(lol whos soulja boys best friend? uuuuuuu LOL)

RachAEL said...

uh oh. this could be bad O_o

lol no hard feelings...ya rite

o ok, i get the CO smile face in the "O" thing now lol i forgot i said that =P

lol this is gonna be interesting...

Anonymous said...

haha i know another one of those jokes:

Q:who killed alicia keys?


hehe. jk theyre stupid...:D

and its THE most annoying song ever....

and yup yup! brady iz saul....i think.

Kayzar said...

I would just like to point out some obvious problems.

1. Saul said what the letters were so it wasnt hard to explain them, besides the fact that i'm a senior so I understand a lot more about interpretive analyzing from my english classes.

2. A lot of people like Daughtry, all of you guys for example.

3. Just because I'm an actor doesn't mean that I agree with Sauls point of veiw.

4. Batman 3?

5. Jeez is spelled with a J. I thought we cleared this up already. And after I spelled her name wrong I corrected myself. it's an easy mistake to make.

6. A lot of guys are single, and I don't flirt Via E-mail.

7. Yah I go to your church. Saul may also be like Heather, maybe he goes to another church too.

8. yah I-pod duh.

9. Maybe he doesn't like me.

10. I sound like a lot of people, remeber I'm an actor. I do other peoples voices and often I talk like character's I have been in a play.

In closing I would just like to point out a few things.
1. Saul is 17 I am 16.
2. Have you ever noticed that Saul never defends himself?
3. Saul said, and I quote,"I have set the stage and the players have come. They have taken their roles and memorized them. Only time will tell if this play ends happily." he is obviously playing us.

So just think about what you are saying before you say it.

Anonymous said...

ok sorry so saul isnt u.......

UGH!!!! now what? who else could it be unless ur lying brady......nah u wouldnt do that...

THIS IS SO FRUSTRATING!!!!!! ugh and confuzing!!!

o and btw i know that black rasberry or any of the other ppl with fake names arent emilee seyb at all bc shes not allowed to have a blog and she doesnt come on to anybodys blog sooo.....ya.

now i hav no idea whi saul is....:(

Lady Mew said...

Rachael dont tisk me! stop that tisking of yurz!!!

okey Brady i understand sum of the thingz yu pointed owt but otherz ar so true abowt yu!!! hehe! jkz!

1. wutever yu say Kayzar...

2. alright, i admit a lot of peepz like CHRISSIE D!!!!!!! yay!

3. how could yu not agree with SAUL??? hez a jeenyus!!!!!!!

4. wut abowt it?

5. i gess Rachael iz eezy to misspell...

6. yes yu do...

yu flirt via e-mail

7. or maybe thatz wut yu want us to think!!! jkz! @8P

8. okey...everywun haz an iPod...

9. "6.6" but that meenz he duznt like me eether!!! WAAAHAHAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i iz sad now... 8[

10. so yu admit yu sownd like SAUL!!!!!!! hehehe!!! jkz again!

1. "Saul is 17 I am 16." or ar yu???
2. "Have you ever noticed that Saul never defends himself?" exsqueeze me? SAUL haz me to defend him!!!
3. "Saul said, and I quote,'I have set the stage and the players have come. They have taken their roles and memorized them. Only time will tell if this play ends happily.' he is obviously playing us." but hez having fun playing us! if hez happie, thatz good enuff for me!!! "^-^"

oh Brady/Kayzar...ya know wer just messin with yu!!! hehe! i no longer think yu ar SAUL and i will post abowt it soon! okey? okey!

thatz to bad yur not alowed to hav a blog Emily! 8(

SAUL!!!!!!! "^.^"

RachAEL said...

o heahter, the other emily...emily seyb not emily @ church

darn! so the other emily ISNT BR..well i figured...i dont think BR goes to our church (if we kno her at all) and in her new pic..i wonder if thats rele her...hmmmm

and brady, if it makes u feel any giving up on guessing who saul is so yaaaaa...

B.J. said...

Yea I'm giving up on guessing who saul is too.

Lady Mew said...

i kno who Saul iz and i can reveal hiz identity wenever i want...but im not going to...yet! wen Saul refusez to give in to my demandz then i will reveal him! but for now im simply black mailing him... @%D

<3 FOR EVERYWUN!!!!!!! "^.^"