tell wuz yur day?

Friday, September 5, 2008

hai! ...hhhhhaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!! hai hai hai!!! HAI!!!!!!! haizes!!! ellowe ellowe!

ellowe poppit!!!! hehe yay!

okey...enyweyz sarrie i wuz gone for 3 weekz or sumtin...the thing wuz i had a but load of homewerk! im serious!!! it should be illeegal for teecherz to give this much dang homewerk!!!

so heer iz a list of wut ive bin up to wile i wuz living for the last 3 weekz or sumthing:

1~ i finally got a WORLD not FOREIGN taking Japanese and I know almost the hole hiragana riting system!!! so ohayoo (Oh-hai-oh) everywun! that meenz good morning!!! yay! "^-^"

2~ i went to Bailey's party (a Bailey frum skool) and ate owt of the chocolate fowntin!!! yum! @%DDD

3~ i went to the state fair and went on one of the funnest ridez ever!!! itz called Speed and it lookz like a big farris weel...except itz not a weel...but it goez around and around vertically! there are tuw pointz (one on each side) and for peeple ride on each side...then it spinz reelie fast and itz reelie high up! yay! i had to go on it myself because my mama wuz to skared...she thot i wuz crazy! ...but then again...maybe i am crazy... @%DDD

4~ i stalk/LUV Nate <3

5~ he stalkz/LUVZ me <3

6~ we stalk/LUV each other! yay! <3

7~ to bad im married... @%DDD ...wut?...

but enyweyz ill see yu awl on Sunday!!! yayzes! be good! miss me!!! hehe!

@%DDD krazy cyclopz smilie!!!!!!! yay!

SAUL and NATE!!!!!!! XOXOXO "^.^"