Konbanwa! ~Good evening!
Ogenki desuka? ~How are you?
Ah, soo desuka? ~Oh, is that right?
Hai, ii desu. ~Yeah, good.
Otenki desuka? ~How is the weather?
Hai, suzushii desune! ~Yeah, it's cold!
Watashiwa mainichi eigoto nihongowo hanashimasu. ~I speak English and Japanese everyday.
Eigowo yoku hanashimasu. ~I speak English well/often.
Nihongowo sukoshi hanashimasu. ~I can speak a little Japanese.
Watashiwa nihongowo hanashimasune! ~I can speak Japanese!
Watashiwa daisuki tomodachine! ~I love my friends!
Kokorone! ~Hearts!
Dekimashita. ~I'm done.
Oyasuminasai. ~Good night.
Jaa nee! ~See you!
tell me...how wuz yur day?
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Sumimasen! Miemasuka? Hai, ii desu.
<3 for EVERYWUN!!!!!!! "^.^"
translation please...
uuuuhhhggg make it stooooppp!! i hear it in reality, and now i hafta read it in...well not reality. hmph!
here ill speak japansee:
jdklajdkjainjdkajfiafao;jdog BAM..no DOUBLE BAM! haha glad ur FINALLY back on..jeez ur ebil step mother is so very ebil!!! lol
lol while typing randomly, i said "j dog" LOL dunno wat it means....haha
umm yea please translate.....
ok what ever Heather just needs a prince (like some one we all know not me though!!!) to rescue her
BJ-kun okashi desune!
Sorewa kawaii desune!
BJ-kun dewa arimasenne!
Demo, anatawa kawaii hanashimasune!
Sorewa ii desu.
Watashino sorewa kokoro desune!
Domo arigato gozaimasune!
Kokoro desune!
<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"
-_- ur not funny Heather!!! lol will you plz tell me what it is??
okey okey...i gess ill speak yur language... 888P
ill put translationz on my post but my comment said...
BJ yur soo funny!
that wuz really cute!
eew...of course not yu!
but what yu said wuz really kute!
itz awl good.
i would soooooo heart that (the prince thing)!!!
OMG! thanx soo much!
so thatz wut i said...seriously the prince thing would be a dream come true!!! it wuz soooooo kute! but really random!!! 888D
wuz that sum random conversation yu had at the guyz bible study or sumthing???
<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"
Lol I get in now.....
No that was something off the top of my head again lol. I said it a long time ago on the youth group blog too....Josiah said it sounded very saulish lol.
And why the heck do you think I would be the prince for YOU!?!?!?!?!?!?!? I have better things to do then be a prince and save you or any other girl for a fact....just not my idea of fun if you get what I mean. And I don't want to wear tights!!!....lol
lol thatz good! 888D
jeez! yu shur hav a lot of thoze off the top of yur head momentz! ...Josiah thot it wuz Saulish??? hmm...it iz a little Saulish...
I NEVER SAID YUU WOULD BE THE PRINCE YU WIERDOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 i quote myself... "BJ-kun dewa arimasenne!" translation... "eew...of course not yu!" I DONT WANT YUU TO COME RESCUE ME!!!!!!!!!!1 thatz just creepy!!!
i just thot it wuz a kute idea...jeez!
...yu...TIGHTZ!?!?!?! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! NOW I HAV MENTAL PICTUREZ!!!!!!!!!!!!! DDDX
dont worry abowt it BJ...yu will NEVER hav to ware tightz because NO ONE wantz to see that!!! "o_@"
<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"
Yep I know I have lots of things off the top of my head
ok well in the first place I would never come and rescue YOU!!! lol.....
Ok ell get that mental picture of me in tights out of your head bc that is just creepy....
i know yur not gonna rescue me!!! thatz wut im saying!!! im creeped owt just thinking abowt it! i just thot the idea of being rescued by a prince wuz kute...az long az itz not yu! maybe somewun else will rescue me... 888DDD
EEEEEEW!!! creepy tightz picturez!!! D888
BRADY!!!!!!! "^.^" <3
Lol good idk if i had too i might save you but really i would prefer not to save you....
No get that picture out of your mind now!!!
Ipod touches ftw!!
...no...really...thatz okey BJ...yu dont need to save me...
i cant just erase it!!! im a visual person!!! itll never leave my mind if yu keep brining it up!!!!!!!!!!!
BRADY!!!!!!! "^.^" <3
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