"Current clues have lead us to believe that Saul is in fact Brady. Looking back at all the old posts and all the comments on our blogs, we have come to the conclusion that Brady is actually better at keeping a secret than we thought. Through endless nights of strenuous amounts of research we have discovered these facts:
1)Saul came up with S.W.O.R.D.S., but Brady explained it more clearly-almost like he already knew about it.
2)Saul likes Chris Daughtry, and Brady said he recommends one of Chris' hit songs, "It's Not Over".
3)Saul watches movies for the art in them, and Brady wants to be an actor or something with movies.
4)They both saw or want to see Batman 3.
5)They both spell jeez with a "g", and they both spell Reporter Rachael's name with an "eal" instead of an "ael". And if it wasn't suspicious enough, suddenly they both stopped misspelling those words.
6)They are both single, looking for girls, and they won't stop flirting via e-mail.
7)They both go to our church.
8)They both have an iPod, but then again who doesn't.
9)Saul hasn't commented on Brady's blog for some reason.
10)Emily says Saul and Brady sound really similar.
After much deliberation and hard work, we the have decided that the following people are not Saul: Josiah, Carly, Steven, BJ, Jordan, Zach, Nate, Joey, Mike (Josiah's roommate), and Brady-or so he says. Brady was the first person that we suspected might be Saul, and for a while he had us fooled. Now more than ever, we have reason to believe that Brady is 'acting' like Saul (considering that Brady is an actor). We may be wrong, but I doubt it. Trust me people, Brady is definitely Saul!"
~Reporter Rachael
on behaf of me, Reporter Rachael, and everybuddie who knowz abowt SAUL, i think we now have uncovered SAULZ true identity and know exactly who he iz!!!!!!!!!!!
MUAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe!!! @8DDD
ps~SAUL hasn't commented on my blog either so don't feel bad Brady...SAUL PLEEZ COMMENT!!!!!!!!!!! PLEEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAUL!!!!!!! or should i say BRADY!!!!!!!